Tuesday, April 29, 2008

West Virginia Team Puts on VBS

We had a group of twenty-five come from West Virginia. The pastor of the church, John Strimer, passed out note cards each containing a name of one of our students. The congregation was instructed to pray for this boy for months as the team was preparing to come to El Sembrador. The twenty-five team members that came were showing us their boys names and wanted to meet them the first day they were here to tell them they had been praying for them. It was amazing to see what names the team had as they had the names of the boys who are more prone to get into trouble. It seemed as though God had a purpose in all of that. It's amazing what happened in some of these boys lives when they were literally embraced with hugs, hearing how they had been praying for their lives before they even knew them.

This West Virginia team worked on our boys dormitory that is being remodeled, organized our MK (missionary kid) library, stocked the boys toiletry and clothes room, and put on a VBS on campus with all the staff children as well as in the near village of LaPaz. These are some pictures of the team working in LaPaz with the children and the children with the puppets they made.

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