Sunday, December 16, 2007

Lixy's Dedication

Our special friends had their newborn baby, Lixy Daniela, dedicated to the Lord on Sunday, December 16, 2007. They asked us to stand up with them as witnesses. What a special honor.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Alfredo's Dad

Alfredo's Mom passed away when he was just nine years old. His father was left with the five children to take care of. Since he had to work and take care of the children, work, and cook, he didn't think he was going to make it. After feeling very sad for a year, he fled to the United States illegally and left the five children (ages one to nine)with in-laws. Alfredo's grandmother brought him to El Sembrador in 2004. He instantly won our hearts. Alfredo's been with us for four years now and he hasn't seen his dad in nine years. A surprise came in October when his dad showed up at the school. His son had grown into a young man and he didn't have a clue which one of our boys was his son. Alfredo received his first hug from his dad that day. This picture was taken of them in Siguate (where they are from). He is trying to get to know his dad again. It is hard as he isn't sure if his dad is going to stay in Honduras long term or not. The littlest child is now ten years old. This picture is taken of Alfredo's little brother (pictured on left), his dad (middle), and Alfredo (pictured on right).

Friday, November 23, 2007

Horeb Graduation

Seventeen of our boarding students go to the school on campus that is led by the holiness church in town. Nine of them graduted this year. It was our prilege to be asked by one of our students to be his "padrinos" (sponsors or godparents) for the graduation. He is Juan Carasco (middle picture). Also, each year a person is asked to represent the class at the head table. Lori was asked by the class to be the "madrina" (adopted mother)of the class to represent them. She was honored. Pictured above she hands out the special gifts she purchased for each of the thirty one students. We had two couples come for the graduation of their sponsored students. Pictured above, Wes & Mary Eddy walk with Mauel Yanez.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Lori invited all the missionaries on campus as well as boys that were staying with missionaries to the confrence center for Thanksgiving dinner. She had everyone bring dishes to pass. The boys sure enjoyed a good turkey dinner and celebrating Thanksgiving with us as this isn't a custom in Honduras.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Youth Camp is a Success!

Praise the Lord! Youth Camp is a HUGE success. We hope this becomes a new tradition for El Sembrador to host this each year for youth in our area. So many lives were changed and impacted by this event.

Pictured Above:
Entire Group that Attended the Camp
Travis and Lori
Travis Hugging Alfredo After we Prayed With Him

More Youth Camp

Samuel does a GREAT job of leading the music at El Sembrador and he did a great job at the youth camp too, keeping the kids interested at all times. God has called him to be a pastor and he will entering our Bible Institute here at El Sembrador next year. Praise the Lord! (pictured above)

The Lord worked on all that were involved in the youth camp. The alter was filled the morning before they left. Many were making commitments to serve the Lord in full time Christian Ministry while others were commiting to serve in other capacities for Him.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Youth Camp Activity Time

Each day there is an activity time for the youth to participate in. They have enjoyed the obstacle course, water balloon volleyball (a couple catching the balloon with a towel), running races, and a treasure hunt.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Youth Camp Begins

Youth camp began today and we ended up with one-hundred-sixty youth as well as another forty who helped pull this event off (cooks, pastors and their families, and our Bible Institute students). We are so excited to see what God will do in the lives of these youth over the next three days. Praise HIS name!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Preparing for Youth Camp

I've been preparing for a week now to have a big group of youth on campus. They arrive tomorrow and we don't know how many will come. We are hoping for at least 120youth to attend this event from our department (Olancho). It is hard to plan meals when you don't know if you'll have fifty or if you'll have one hundred. We just pray God will multiply the food if we get more than expected. You can see my helpers and I negotiating with the trucks that sell big quantities of food to the market.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sponsorship Program

Lori is resuming her position as the sponsorship program coordinator. She has big goals of where the Lord can take the program in 2008. She would like to have each of the students sponsored at 100%. If you would like to have a relationship with one of our students on an ongoing basis, you can contact Lori to see how to do that. Pictured below is a special couple, Wes and Mary Eddy. They joined the sponsorship program in 2005. Since that time, they've been on four trips to Honduras, one of them a trip this month to be here for the graduation of both of their sponsor students. The Eddy's have been a wonderful encouragement to their sponsor students lives spiritually, through education, and financial help.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bible School Graduation 2007

We had five students graduate from the Bible Institute this year. It was exciting to see this group of Bible School students come three years ago, sure God had called them to be pastors with the holiness church in Honduras. We were filled with joy and pride to see them graduate today. Pastor David Quiroz, our Bolivian missionary who directs the Bible Institute stands with his graduating class of 2007.

Our Boys Leave for Summer Vacation

Graduation is over and it is time for the boys to leave for summer vacation. They will be in away from the school from today, November 11th through January 21st. Please pray for them as they leave the safe environment of El Sembrador and go back out into the real world. We pray God will use them where they go to witness to those in their families and neighborhoods. We also pray they will remember all they've been taught while they were here at El Sembrador.

Graduation Day!

Graduation is both a happy and sad time for us. We're happy to see the boys accomplish their goals and graduate. But, it is also the last day of the school year. It is hard to say goodbye to the boys and send them home for summer break when we've become so attached to them. They become our children while they are here at El Sembrador.

El Sembrador Horeb Graduates 2007

High School Graduates 2007.

El Sembrador Class of 2007

Class of 2007.

Lixy Daniel Figueroa Arrives!

My good friend who is a teacher here on campus had her baby today. She is just an adorable little thing. I waited all night at the hospital for her arrival but she didn't arrive until the next afternoon (Saturday, the 10th at 1:15PM). While we waited for her, I had the privledge of spending time with an x-student and his girlfriend who were also expecting a baby that night. I don't think God placed me there at that time just for little Lixy. He wanted me there to talk to a previous student at El Sembrador too. Praise His name for how he works. Lixy made it home on graduation day (Sunday) at 1:30PM. Her auntie Lori can't get enough of her.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Concert Night

The night before the boys leave the school we have a special concert night. Our talented industrial mechanics teacher, Daniel Figueroa, is also very gifted in the area of music. He organizes the concert night and brings a group from Catacamas. Latins sure enjoy their music. The music went from 7:00PM until 11:00PM. They enjoyed praising the Lord through worship and singing.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Graduation Banquet

The Thursday before graduation we had a special dinner for the graduates along with the employees on campus. This is to honor them for all their hard work. Lori worked hard all week with the ladies on campus to have the decor and dinner just right. She made the dinner very elegant with round tables and special linen table clothes. Travis gave out special award for Most Christian Character on campus as well as Act of Service Awards. Lori was the banquet speaker this year and shared the message. This was Lori's first time to preach in Spanish (although she is used to teaching discipleship class, this was a little different in front of a big crowd). She challenged them with a good message about Jacob and Esau and not losing their birthright by leaving without giving their lives to God. Our hope is to see all the boys who come to El Sembrador leave knowing the Lord as their personal saviour.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Testimony Night

The Wednesday night before graduation, the students who are graduating get to take the stage and share what God has done in their lives since they came to El Sembrador and share thanks for the people who have been a special part of their lives. It is always a joy for us to hear what the boys have to say.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Race Night

Since softball season has ended and the boys need something to do at night, we had a 5K race, 100 yard dashes, and 4x100 relay races. The boys enjoyed themselves tonight. Alfredo Euceda wins first place prize for the race.