Friday, November 28, 2008

ITESH Graduation

This is the fifth and last graduation for us for the year. We had three students going to the Instituto Tecnico El Sembrador Horeb school this year. They were: Alfredo Santos Euceda, Jose Israel Otero, and Jose Misael Baca. We were asked by Israel to walk with him as his parents for the graduation, which was a beautiful honor. Both Alfredo and Israel asked us if we would be "padrinos" for them. So, we walked with them and signed as their witnesses. Alfredo was given the honor of leading the class in the national hymn because of his good grade on the test. Israel was given the outstanding Christian character award. These boys continue to make us proud. They are both currently making decisions as to what they will do next. Alfredo is looking for work and Israel is trying to decide between the airforce and university.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

High School Graduation

This was our first year to go through high school graduation here on campus. The focus was always on getting the boys through 9th grade and vocational school. We felt a sense of pride to watch our boys receive their diplomas. Travis and I were asked to be the "padrinos de la clases" (the class parents) and sit at the head table at the graduation. We put on a dinner for 175 people afterward. Everything went great.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bible School Students

To say thanks to the Bible School students for putting on such an awesome campamento, we had a special lunch for them and then had a special time with them afterwards to give them each a devotional and then we played "Robber". It is the game where each person gets a number and they pick a gift in that order. I had fifteen gifts on the floor and they could take a gift from the floor or steal from someone who had already opened a gift they wanted. They had so much fun stealing gifts from eachother.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Campamento 2008

This year was the second annual youth camp held here on campus. The Bible School students and director organized the entire event from the music team to lead the songs, activities, services, etc. They even got both dorms ready to house everyone. We had 175 in total with youth, leaders, etc. It is always fun for me on the hospitality side to try and plan the right amount of help in the kitchen, enough food, etc. when we don't have a clue how many will come. But, it always works out. This was a great spiritual time for everyone involved. We're so proud of our Bible School students and their dedication.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Industrial Mechanics Graduates

Agricultural Mechanics Graduates

Woodworking Graduates

Woodcarving Graduates

9th Grade Graduates

Bible School Graduation

The Bible School graduation was today too. We had three students graduating from the Bible Institute and many more graduating from the intensive courses program. It is great to see these outstanding students accomplishing this and be ready to pastor in our Holiness churches.
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Vocational and 9th Grade Graduation

We held our graduation today for 9th grade and vocational students. After much hard work by the students all year long in their areas, they were able to walk proudly today and recieve their diplomas. Their success is our success!

Ally Helps Mommy

Ally helps me get the gifts ready before the graduation. Isn't she a sweetie?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Testimony Night

Testimony night is when all the graduates get time to share words about changes they've made in their lives, thanks to different ones who helped them get to that point, etc. It is always my favorite time, to hear what each graduate has to share.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Special Little Friends

Lixy is just one of those precious little ones close to our hearts.