Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jerry & Sherri's Farewell Party

Jerry & Sherri Murphy had been serving in La Esperanza (at another station in Honduras). They shared with us in January they were feeling led to come to El Sembrador for their next term of service. Since they were leaving the field in June of 2008, they came out for their last five months to see how they could fit in at El Sembrador. I think God has showed them how. They have helped us so much. They work hard, have a lot of love, and best of all a lot of spunk. They've been a wonderful addition to campus! They are now packing up to head back to the States to raise funds. We're praying God multiplies quickly so they can get back by the next school year in January of 2009. Sherri has taught Anna for the last four months and Anna just finished the second grade. She has been a huge help to Lori with the sponsorship program and will be taking it over when she returns next year. Jerry has been working with our group projects and helping with the sports program. They will be MISSED dearly over the next several months. The boys have fallen in love with them too. Lori and Amy Helt (a volunteer) worked hard at organizing a special party for them. All of the campus ladies helped us cut fruit all afternoon so we could offer everyone a fruit cup for a refreshment following the party. The farewell party began with fun songs, then a special reflection from one of our Bible school students from La Esperanza. Travis shared special words about how they've been a wonderful asset to campus and how they will be missed. Lori had to share the funny stories about the "trouble and fun" Sherri has brought to campus. The boys and employees laughed hard as they heard the stories of Sherri hiding Travis' truck on him when he left it running and when she stole (hid) our educational directors bike on him. The employees and boys were invited to share special memories and goodbye messages with Jerry & Sherri. Many passed forward and their housekeeper even surprised them with a spontaneous song. It was so special. Please pray for Jerry & Sherri as they return to the states and spend time with their family, home church, and support team.

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